Tuning forks have traditionally been used to tune musical instruments, though electronic tuners have largely replaced them. Forks can be driven electrically by placing electronic oscillator-driven electromagnets close to the prongs
Tuning forks have traditionally been used to tune musical instruments, though electronic tuners have largely replaced them. Forks can be driven electrically by placing electronic oscillator-driven electromagnets close to the prongs
Tahir Group Of Industries, Are Involved In The Manufacturing Of Top Quality Surgical instruments.We Are Using Top Quality Medical Grade Stainless Steel With Defined Specifications To Produce Our High Quality Products.
The family business Tahir group of industries has been successful in manufacturing and providing quality products.
All instruments are made in Pakistan. To ensure consistent quality, the instruments go.
Our philosophy is based on our promise to be able to offer the highest quality. For this promise and for the individual.
Achieving and maintaining the highest quality requires a good blend of tradition and innovation.